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CCI-Egypt operates under the supervision of the Italian Embassy in Egypt


Connecting people and promoting business exchanges between Italy and Egypt


Promoting bilateral cooperation between Egyptian and Italian companies 


CCI-Egypt is a member of the Worldwide Italian Chambers of Commerce Association


CCI-Egypt is a private nonprofit organization established in 1927


Welcome to The Italian Chamber of Commerce - Egypt (CCI-Egypt)

CCI-Egypt was established in 1927 in consistence with the Italian Ministerial decree No. 1573 of the 13th of October 1918. The final approval of recognition as an Italian Chamber of Commerce abroad was on the 6th of October 1972 according to the Italian Law No. 518 of July the 1st 1970.

CCI-Egypt is a private and nonprofit organization. It operates in Egypt under the supervision of the Italian Embassy in Egypt. It represents a lobby of Egyptian and Italian businessmen interested to exchange different forms of cooperation between Egypt and Italy.

CCI-Egypt is a member of the Worldwide Italian Chambers of Commerce Association, Assocamerestero which represents 77 Italian Chamber of Commerce in 54 Countries around the World.

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CCI-Egypt News

Upcoming Italian Exhibitions

31-03-2025 - 03-04-2025

Bologna Licensing Trade Fair
Trade fair for licensing & subsidiary rights label
المعرض التجارى لحقوق الملكية وترخيصات الوكلات

04-04-2025 - 06-04-2025

International presentation of bridal & formal wear
المعرض الدولى لازياء الزفاف و الملابس الرسمية

04-04-2025 - 06-04-2025

International exhibition of modern & contemporary art
المعرض الدولى للفن الحديث والمعاصر

06-04-2025 - 09-04-2025

International quality agro-foods event
المعرض الدولى لمراقبة جودة المحاصيل الزراعية و الأغذية

06-04-2025 - 09-04-2025

International exhibition of technologies for viticulture, oenology & technologies for olive growing & oil production
المعرض الدولى لتكنولوجيا زراعة الكروم و عمل النبيذ وتكنولوجيا زراعة الزيتون و انتاج الزيوت

06-04-2025 - 09-04-2025

International exhibition for quality wine & spirits
المعرض الدولى للنبيذ و المشروبات الروحية


Discounted Services

Get discounted services from our members and partners, get the best rates and special deals up to 30% off and more.

Travel Partner for CCI-Egypt

Travco Travel


Office Address: 13 Mahmoud Azmy – Zamalek

Tel: +202 38545555

Mob: +201223216161



Italian Chamber of Commerce - Egypt
33, Abdel Khalek Sarwat St. - Down Town 11511 Cairo, Egypt 
Tel: (+2 02) 23922275 - 23937944 - 23919911 - 23927733
Fax: (+2 02) 23912503 - Email: info@cci-egypt.org
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CCI.Egypt

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