Deluxe Wooden and Metal Furniture Est
- Office Furniture
- Hits: 418
- Company Name: Deluxe Wooden and Metal Furniture Est
- Are you an Egyptian / Italian Company: Egyptian Company
- Contact Person/Representative Name: Mohamed Mahmoud Abd El Karim
- Title: CEO, Business Consultant
- Email:
- Mobile Number: +20 122 210 9690
- Are you importer or exporter?: Importer / Buyer, Exporter
- Business Activity: Manufacturer, Retailer, Store chain, Trader
- Sector: Furniture & Accessories
- Specify products you want to sell (Items): Office chairs, offices, units and Sofas
- What products do you export?: Office furniture
- What products do you buy?: Accessories, raw material
- Product short description: Manufacturing, importing and trading integrated office furniture