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The future of energy on show at KEY24


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KEY The Energy Transition Expo

CCI-Egypt : Business Mission to visit

K.EY - The Energy Transition Expo


The future of the energy transition is on show at KEY - The Energy Transition Expo, the reference event on renewable energies scheduled to take place at the Rimini Exhibition Centre from 28 February to 1 March.

A unique opportunity not to be missed
to contribute to a more sustainable future



  • More space for Solar, Wind, Hydrogen, Energy Efficiency, e-Mobility and Sustainable City and a new Key Storage Expo exhibition area dedicated to static storage for residential and industrial sectors and utility scale.
  • The Innovation District has been upgraded, the Sustainable Building District dedicated to sustainable building confirmed, and the appointment with Italia Solare's ForumTech on the first day of the event dedicated to experts in the photovoltaic sector.
  • And then agri-voltaics, CER, climate policies, new technologies and all about the latest innovations dedicated to renewable energies in the numerous events and international conferences scheduled: an opportunity to meet industry experts and keep up to date with the latest news.

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#KEY2024 | The Energy Transition Expo
28 February - 01 March 2024, Rimini

We have 38 guests and no members online

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